Innovative solutions for new ways of being
The Architecture area intervenes throughout the development of the entire Real Estate process.
Starting with the analysis of land and business opportunities, it identifies the construction potential and legal framework while searching for the best implementation and volumetric solution.

With a degree in Architecture from the Technical University of Lisbon, Jorge joined the Real Estate area of Teixeira Duarte in 2008.

Since then he has collaborated on retail, residential, logistics and office projects in several geographies.

Jorge Serrano

We strive to find new, innovative and creative solutions

We work closely with the Project Management area in the search for new, innovative and creative solutions that allow us to deliver quality products that meet our clients’ needs.

We make part of the integral development of projects and in supporting our design partners with ideas that contribute to achieving the best quality standards in our projects.

With a degree in Architecture from the Technical University of Lisbon, Katherine joined the Real Estate area of Teixeira Duarte in 2016.

Katherine Both

Throughout the various phases of the project, we refer to proposals analyzed by our architectural and specialty design partners to ensure that the high standards required by Teixeira Duarte are met.

The good execution of a work is directly linked to the effective coordination of architectural projects and specialties, with special attention to the constructive details of the facades of buildings and the detailing and interior organization of spaces.

"It is with the ongoing involvement of all Real Estate teams that an outstanding real estate product is achieved, one that is increasingly oriented towards the daily life of its users and prepares them for new ways of being."
- Jorge Serrano, Arquitetura
Humanized management of spaces

Asset & Property Management


Close customer follow-up

Comercial e Investimento


Pragmatic vision for efficient businesses

Administrativa & Financeira


Attention to detail for high-impact products

Project Management


Innovative solutions for new ways of living





Humanized management
of spaces
Close customer
Pragmatic vision
for efficient businesses
Attention to detail
for high-impact products
Innovative solutions
for new ways of living


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